How can you start building your best life today? Business, Big Life Changes, Mindset Shifts

Have you ever thought about building your dream life?

Have you wondered what your life would look like if you took the leap?

Have you every wondered WHAT that leap would even BE for you?

Here's how I started building my best life ❤️



✨ Confronting My Fears

I had a lot of fears. I still have a few kicking around in the background of my mind, jumping in to haunt my dreams now and then. But let me tell you something, I have a LOT fewer.

Why? Because I vowed to myself to fight back against those fears. The ones that seemed irrational and the ones that actually made a lot of sense - things anyone would find scary but which really didn't threaten my life.

I conquered my fear of driving after being in a couple accidents as a passenger. I learned to kill spiders myself. I sat by the window taking pictures of lightning to ease my fear of thunderstorms.

But what was the hardest and the most important was conquering the fear of letting others down; my fear of not being what I thought everyone else wanted me to be. (Spoiler alert - Everyone wanted something different so that was ultimately an impossible task, anyway).

✨ Learning to Let Go

I let go of those expectations of others. I let go of wanting desperately to be loved and liked by everyone. I accepted that it isn't possible. I accepted that following my dreams will inevitably hurt someone, let someone down, make someone jealous, or upset someone.

Hardest of all, I learned to let go of the life I originally dreamed for myself. Life wasn't panning out to create the world I wanted when I was in my 20s. I adjusted. I let go of dreams that simply were not possible and learned to look toward other dreams that COULD be possible.

And, yeah, by the way, there'll be life coaches and business coaches and people who tell you to just "manifest your dreams" etc. and seriously, it's not always possible. It's not about wanting something so badly you make it happen out of thin air. There ARE real restrictions on life.

I am infertile.

I have a chronic illness that requires a lot of work on my part.

I cannot force anyone else to be or do what I want.

I can't change the economy.

I can't change the world.

But I CAN choose what I'm gonna do with this hand I've been dealt.

And so can you.



✨ Embracing My Unique Way of Living 

I'm not entirely… hrm… normal 😅

I've spent my entire life hearing things like.

"You're too loud."

"Do you ever shut up?"

"Do you think before you talk?"

"Settle down."

I've also just really struggled to understand the way that everyone lives inside little boxes and lives their lives like a checklist in a very particular order that works out to be like everyone else's ordered lives.

I have NOTHING against anyone living this kind of life if that's what makes them happy. But it never floated my boat ⛵

And I always felt like that was bad or wrong. That I couldn't be successful, happy, or loved if I didn't find a way to fit in better.

It took until my mid-thirties to finally accept that it's OK that I'm a little weird.

It's OK that I don't understand why using the word FUCK in the middle of this business blog isn't considered OK by certain other people.

It's OK that I do things different, out of order, a little diagonally.

I create my own kind of magic 🪄 just living my most authentic life. And the people who vibe with it will find me. And we will shine together in our own weird way. And that's all OK.

🤔 So, what can YOU do to start living YOUR best life?

Listen, it can be scary and overwhelming. But I find the best place to start is by getting a good understanding of what feels best and more natural to YOU.

As far as we know, we get one shot at life. How do you want to spend YOUR one shot?

And once you know the answer to THAT question, figure out which fears and beliefs are holding you back form living that life. And if you need to, get therapy. I know it was freakin' invaluable to me.

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