10 ways to create a good vibes kind of life

10 ways to create a good vibes kind of life

I'm all about good vibes on this site and in my life but let me tell you, it was hard won. Building a lifestyle that supports my truest outlook and living in alignment with it wasn't easy. It took a lot of letting go and a lot of change.

I will say, half of the work comes from mindset. BUT, I will also include some things in this list that you can put into action to start moving toward the lifestyle of your dreams.

What's holding you back from living YOUR good life?

Listen, there are a lot of reasons we don't live our version of "the good life." If you highly value material things, systemic and economic crap can definitely get in the way of you truly living your version of a good life. So... the #1 way to start living your good life is to adjust your viewpoint and really start aiming for a good VIBES life.

The biggest reason I was NOT living MY good vibes life was... well... me.

It wasn't because of where I lived or who I lived with.

It wasn't because I didn't have enough money.

It wasn't because I have a chronic illness.

It was because I was causing myself unnecessary stress.

So, what's holding YOU back? šŸ¤”



1. Decide to aim for a good vibes life instead "the good life"

You can word this however you need to, in a way that makes to you. But, basically, I'm saying, "Stop chasing the high life. Start finding the best ways to enjoy the life you have access to."

Take some space and time to meditate and clear your mind (however is easiest for you). And ask yourself, "What do I really want out of life? What really fuels me? What makes me feel good in my soul?"

Create space for more of that. And create time to truly appreciate how much of that you already have in your life.

Now,Ā I'm not saying that you should never aim for more, want more, strive for more, work for more, or try to tear down systemic barriers that stop you from living better. You can do all those thingsĀ and enjoy what you have, while you have it.

And, honestly, if this means not buying artwork or products like mine because buying more isn't right for you right now, that's cool with me, too. Not that you should be aiming for my approval, anyway... Which brings me to point 2...



2. Let go of worrying about what other people think of you

So much easier said than done. Trust me, I know.

I'm not going to pretend I have the answers for this one. For me, it's still a work in progress. And it took separating myself from most of the people in my life for me to finally get the perspective I needed to heal myself and my relationships.

It also took therapy. Reach out for help if you need it. ā¤ļø

2. Declutter and get organized

Ugh, we carry so much stuff that we don't need, don't use, and that doesn't actually have good memories attached. After my mom died, I kept a lot of her things. And while some of them brought me great joy, others were just things I held onto because I felt bad for getting rid of them. It took time, but I got rid of the things that didn't bring back memories and held onto the ones that did.

Oh, and gifts we don't like or use but keep out of guilt. Those are difficult to deal with. Again, these kinds of things can require time, help, and healing to come to terms with.

Let me tell you, though. Once I got rid of all the extra stuff I was keeping, I felt a weight lift off me. Emotionally, I was lighter. But, also, I was less frustrated because I could find things more easily when I needed them. Cleaning my house has never been easier, either.

I'm not saying get rid of everything and go full minimalist. BUT, maybe Marie Kondo your world a little bit šŸ˜‰



3. Reduce the number of goals you're working on (or adjust your timeframes)

OK, this can be tough. At least, it was for me.

I'm multi-passionate and it's VERY easy for me to find myself working toward business goals and writing goals and art goals and health goals and financial goals all at once.

But when I really looked at things I realized, just because IĀ can do something, doesn't mean IĀ haveĀ to do it.

If you're multi-passionate you might want to scream at me right now. "No, I can't give anything up!"

I hear you and it's all good. It's time toĀ adjust instead of reducing. Adjust your timelines. Choose one or two big things to focus on to move toward and let the other goals just sort of happen slowly in the background. As you check off your big ticket items, those other goals will naturally move into the spotlight and start speeding along.Ā 

4. Surround yourself with inspiring artwork

Artwork that helps youĀ feel relaxed, inspired, and just GOOD is super important when creating a good vibes kind of life. It isn't as much about the image as it is the WAY that image makes youĀ feel.

šŸ‘‰ Check out some of MY good vibes artwork by clicking here.

5. Decorate with invigorating or calming tones

Choose colors and textures that help boost the mood you want. If you want something chill, go with calming colors and earthy tones. If you're looking to feel energized and ready to take on your day, try brighter colors and airy spaces.

Avoid anything that makes you feel on edge or like you just walked into a doctor's office.

Consider using different colors in different areas, depending on how you use those spaces. For example, I have bright and energizing colors in my office but my living room is much more earthy with soft colors and a lot of plants.

6. Read books that boost your vibe

Ā I can't say enough about this one. If you're gonna take the time to sit and read something, it should feed your soul in some way. Sometimes it means diving into difficult topics to gain perspective and compassion. But it should also include things that make you dream and hope and wish and imagine.

I know that every book and short story I write is always with this in mind: enhance the experience of the reader. Choose books that make you feel good.



7. Take. A. Break.

Seriously. Slow down.

So many of us are caught up in the hustle, the struggle, the striving for more. And, yeah, I get it. Sometimes times are tough and we really need to go all out. And sometimes we're just crazy motivated to succeed and it can be a beautiful thing. But remember to breathe.

Take a break. Take a day off. Take an evening off. Take a warm, relaxing bath. Take a walk. Whatever youĀ can do within your world to slow down now and then, do it.

This life will pass us by before we know it. And, yeah, the grind is real sometimes. But it's not worth it if you aren't here to see it out, anyway.

8. Wear things that make you feel good

Whether we're talking about your shirt, your accessories, or shoes - wearing things you feel good in isĀ important.

And that goes for design as well as physical comfort. And confidence. Don't forget that key piece! You should feel like you look good in what you're wearing. It should fit well and show off your favorite parts of yourself!

šŸ‘‰ Accessorize with good vibes jewelry.



9. Listen to music that gives you energy!

I'm a fan of listening to all types of music and I truly believe that different vibes are right for different occasions. For example, I have a playlist I love for bubble baths and romantic evenings but it'sĀ not my good vibes playlist. It's not the one that gets me motivated, energized, and excited to live my life.

So, on days when there's a lot to be done. On days when I'm feeling a little tired and need some extra motivation, I pump up the jams on my feel good playlist! What's onĀ your feel good playlist?

10. Make your own rules

This goes along with some of the things I've already listed, but hear me out. I've given you a list of 9 other things and you might be thinking, "They don't all jive with me."


Drop 'em.

Make your own list! Make your own rules for what a good vibes life means to YOU.

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